I opened my womb, casting aside the opaque curtains that had before hidden the sun.

As I stepped out, slowly its softness left my skin. Then, the first breeze of wind since my last bout of sleep caressed my back hair. As I made my way to the common compost, I felt a tingling delightment within me to be able to use my excrements to contribute to the eternal process of material recurrence.
I was looking for her, but still within the mass of floating wombs it was hard to spot my winged friend. Soon I did, and we exchanged blueberries for worms.

I decided to get a few more kilometers in to follow the seasons, as I saw the migratory birds making their way as well. After 4 hours of walking I felt like it was time to retreat back into my womb, to feel its warmth and rejuvenate.
How Bullshit could change the world or...